I have found that many of us don’t have a good understanding of what is Web 2.0. I am sharing my class notes on this topic to improve our understanding of it (see What is Web 2.0).
Virtual Team Tools
Surinder's Tweets
People see Alexa as a companion. Machine learning may soon provide the companionship that the market is demanding. https://t.co/39c38jjVyZ 7 years ago
Weary & need a pep talk? Give one to yourself in the 2nd/3rd person to view your situation rationally from distance https://t.co/eCGTnuUSAc 8 years ago
I've been wondering why fall colors have been lasting longer. Scientists attribute that pattern to climate change. https://t.co/VtNqk19qYK 8 years ago
The indelible nature of email claims a leader who unfairly shared questions with Clinton campaign before a debate https://t.co/Go5xsKXiqo 8 years ago
Study: Network because jobs your network refers you to fetch 6% more in wages than those you obtain directly https://t.co/75X4qTQ9Jl 8 years ago
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